Ways to Give

The Animal Adoption and Rescue Foundation of Winston-Salem is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that rescues and re-homes abandoned, abused and surrendered cats and dogs in the greater Winston-Salem area by providing safety and security through veterinary care and foster homes until they are adopted.

Thank you for helping to transform the lives of the cats and dogs through your support.

AARF is an IRS-designated 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Federal Tax ID: #56-1932722

Join a Giving Society

The Rescuers Club, Constant Companions, and our Legacy Club recognizes our most passionate welfare advocates through their level of giving and loyalty. These champions make annual gifts totaling $1,000 and above, set up a monthly gift, or set up a planned gift for AARF. Learn more >

Business Partnerships

We are launching a new program to promote the local businesses that are as passionate about pets as we are. For local businesses serving pet owners who live in our community, it makes good business sense to identify partnership opportunities with animal-serving and support organizations. Click here for Business Partnership opportunities for calendar year 2025.

Gifts of Stock

Gifts of appreciated assets such as stocks or mutual funds can generate significant capital gains tax savings for you.

Gift of Stock Instructions: Please find transfer details below. If you have any additional questions, please contact our Operations Manager Carly Crisafulli (carly@aarfws.org) at your convenience. 

Receiving Institution: Vanguard

DTC: 0062

Account Number: 85748563 

Recipient: Animal Adoption and Rescue Foundation of Winston-Salem, Inc. 

Federal Tax ID: 56-1932722

Corporate Matches

Many companies will match donations made by their employees, employees’ spouses, and/or retirees within the past year. Your company may have an electronic portal or accept paper forms.

When submitting any type of gift, you may need the following information:

Federal Tax ID: 56-1932722

Animal Adoption and Rescue Foundation, Inc.
302 Thurston Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27103

Phone: 336-768-PETS
Email: carly@aarfws.org


No matter how big or small your donation may be, it is truly appreciated. We make it simple by allowing you to order from our Amazon Wish List and have it delivered right to our shelter.

Planned Giving

Where there’s a will, there’s a way

You’ve devoted your life to loving and caring for animals. You can now consider a gift that will sustain AARF’s life-saving mission and help generations of animals long after you are gone.

Gifts through your Will or Living Trust

A gift to AARF through your will or living trust is a powerful statement of your support for our mission to rescue cats and dogs. Below you will find sample language that you can share with your Attorney or Estate Planner. Simply include this language in your estate document and you can be assured that you played a major role in the rescue, rehabilitation, and adoption of needy animals.

“I give to Animal Adoption and Rescue Foundation, Inc., Federal Tax ID #56-1932722, 302 Thurston Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27103, (the sum of $_____ [OR]____% of the residue of my estate/trust), to be used for its general purposes.”

Have you already included AARF in your estate plan?

Please let AARF know of your plans to include a gift to our organization in your will or estate plan. We want to ensure we understand your intentions for your gift and how you wish to be recognized. We are incredibly grateful for your generosity.


Congress has enacted a permanent IRA charitable rollover, also commonly referred to as a qualified charitable distribution (QCD). As a result, you can make an IRA rollover gift to AARF this year and in future years.

Individuals aged 70.5 and older can distribute up to $105,000 each year from their IRAs to charities without counting the distribution as income.

Gifts through Retirement Plan Beneficiary Designations

Naming AARF as the beneficiary of all or a portion of your retirement account is a simple way to help our needy animals. Simply designate AARF as beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), Keogh account or other qualified retirement plan. Upon your passing, the designated portion of funds in your account will be transferred to AARF.  

When a retirement account beneficiary is a 501(c)(3) charity, the funds are exempt from taxes that might otherwise be due if left to an individual beneficiary. Making this type of gift requires merely completing a change of beneficiary form, which may be obtained from your plan administrator. Here is the information you need to name AARF as your beneficiary:

Animal Adoption and Rescue Foundation, Inc.
302 Thurston Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
Federal Tax ID #56-1932722

Nothing in the Planned Giving section of this site should be construed as legal advice. Certain tax laws may have changed. Please contact your attorney or financial adviser to help you decide what is best for your personal situation.